Fitness Friday: Sneak Some Exercise

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Hello and happy Friday everyone!

These past few months I have been searching for ways to squeeze in some exercise during my daily tasks. Honestly it is all about leading an active life and having a stronger body so why not? 

Also, shout out to my model and awesome gym partner above!

These are just a couple of changes I've made:

1. Park far away 
  • I work Monday-Friday on campus and since I go to the gym at night, I'm usually already in gym attire. There is a computer parking lot closer to my job, but instead I choose to park as far as I can forcing me to walk over a mile to and from work. Keep in mind I usually have multiple shifts in one day so I am easily walking 2 or 3 miles through out the day at least. On top of that I choose a route that has more slopes and inclines giving my quads a little work to do. I also bring my school bag everyday even if I don't need it, adding an 10 extra pounds to carry around. The only downside of this is that because I live in the south, the heat and humidity does not always make this walk enjoyable so I'm usually pretty sweaty......but then again just about everyone is. 

2. Make stairs your best friend
  • If you know me, then you know I have quite an "obsession" with butts. I do not discriminate based of gender either. I appreciate a good booty when I see one. So naturally, I am busting my ass (literally) to get mine in great shape. Gone are the days of taking the elevator. One thing I have noticed is that I can actually go up four flights of stairs without losing my breathe. Months ago, I would take the same stairs and I would be panting by the end. I also try to take the stairs when I am carrying something such as stacks of textbooks or my schoolbag. 

3. Talk and squat
  • Ask my roommates or my parents, I will be holding a conversation with someone and I will start randomly doing variations of squats and lunges. I might be in the kitchen waiting for something to come out of the microwave and instead of just waiting normally, I'm squatting. Whenever I have the chance, I do something. My roommate and I even keep our weights out in the open in case anyone wants to do a set of hammer curls, for example. Fun fact, whenever I pull an all nighter in the studio, if I find myself falling asleep, I will do a set of push ups or other exercises to wake myself up. It may sound a little excessive, but I don't have the bad habit of being a couch potato and sitting on my ass for hours like I use to. 

4.  Bust a move
  • Alone? Have a dance party to yourself! I usually always have my headphones, I listen to music practically all day. Especially if I'm at work or school. So whenever I have the chance, I will break down dancing in the elevator, in the middle of an empty library, an empty office. You name it. I'll admit I have gotten carried away and I have been caught multiple times, but if you do, it is okay just brush it off! If I am home at the apartment I'll just play music on my laptop and I'll dance in my room or in the shower. Plus you can practice those dance moves before going out!

5. Carry you water bottle EVERYWHERE
  • Even if I am just watching TV, I have my water bottle by my side and I am constantly keeping myself hydrated. Plus, you're less likely to buy a soda or juice if you already have your water bottle with you. I honestly even put it in my purse and bring it into the movie theatre. Hey, I have no shame in my game. 

Every little bit counts. These may seem silly and excessive, but I feel like these have only helped me with my fitness. Plus, if you're feeling down, bust a move and tell me you won't be smiling after. 

Anyway, I wish you all a fun weekend, I'll be studying, but I may take a dance break Saturday night. 

Remember, you are enough.
