End of Semester Updates, End of Junior Year Conclusions
I'm still here enjoying my vacation in the tri-state area and I thought I'd share with you guys my end of semester conclusion.
An update on the jewelry store I redesigned:
If you look at my earlier post, it's a huge difference, I even changed the name and logo. This little baby of mine got an A, and I was able to finish with an A in studio! My professor was definitely pleased with this project.
Along with it, I made another material board for it, (I'll add pictures of that later, it's still at school)
I also did a specification book for it that unfortunately my professor kept, but to this day it is the most realistic project I've done.
Another project I did was a set design for a play, I ended up building a whole stage at about
1/2" = 1' scale. Plus my props, lighting, and backdrop.
The end of this semester was one my most intense yet. I pulled 3 all nighters straight, got about 6 hours of sleep, then pulled 2 more back to back and I believe I was only able to recover one day which was a Saturday and I did not sleep again until Wednesday night. It was horrible what I did to my body.
And this wasn't even finals week yet...
that is fortunately all over now since it's summer and I ended with pretty good grades.
After three years of college my conclusions are:
- Lack of sleep will make you gain weight faster than eating junk food, and combining both of these together is a recipe for disaster.
- If you're running on lack of sleep and have a big day ahead of you, be careful with coffee. As good and amazing as it is, it has messed up my digestive system at the worst times, especially after multiple all nighters.
- Wine, wine, wine...... Need I say more?
- Stepping out of your comfort zone is a must
- Become friends with people that have a different mentality than your own
- Practice your dance moves on your own time before going out
- Oatmeal and sandwiches were my survival
- Graduation is right around the corner....it's ok to be kind of scared
- Internships...yeah that's a thing and it's kind of a big deal
- Update that resume/portfolio.
- Take advantage of any career day your university provides.
- Buy more business appropriate clothing
All in all, it was a crazy year full of ups and downs but definitely my most favorite year of college. I wish all of you guys luck if you're still wrapping up the semester! Stay strong, you're almost there!